I hear a lot of artists talk about having a portfolio to share with potential clients and teachers alike. What I don't hear much about is what goes into making a portfolio, and how to make it a good one. I'm not looking into making one anytime soon for myself, but while my friend and I were talking about it, I realized it's something I don't know much of... and, even if my focus is usually words, I should still probably have a good portfolio of my digital art, shouldn't I?
So, do you have a portfolio? What goes into making one properly?
How to make a portfolio right?
One of my artistic friends is also into web-design and playing around with sites and such.
He actually made his portfolio on a website under his name and I know people love it! Basically his online CV and so easy for any company or customers to view. It's basically a little bit about him and the rest is just a gallery with a contact section!
He actually made his portfolio on a website under his name and I know people love it! Basically his online CV and so easy for any company or customers to view. It's basically a little bit about him and the rest is just a gallery with a contact section!
word count: 67